ECBA Carpet Bowls
Festival 2011
Monday 9th to Friday 13th May 2011
This was the 8th year that this event has
been held and it continues to be as popular as ever with 60 rinks,
116 pairs and 147 singles taking part.
This event seems to tick quite a few boxes
for the bowlers that attend, the carefully planned format that
incorporates the meal times and entertainment allows the bowlers
to enjoy the hospitality afforded by Potters Leisure Resort.
Although this is a more relaxed atmosphere
than the cut and thrust of county matches there is still a very
competitive edge to the competitions staged during the week.
People have already booked for next years
event which will be held from 14th to 18th May 2012.

Winner: Martin Cambell (Sunderland)
Also last years winner

Runner up: Daniel Bushe (Essex)

Semi finalists: Neil Jolly (Suffolk)
& David Storey (Durham)
Both of these players have won this event in the past

Winners: Martin Cambell & Michael Laydon
Also last years winners

Runners up: Jim & Sally Goodrich

Semi finalists: Alan Howe & Eve Warren
(Sunderland) and Enid & Alex Russell (Essex)

Winners: Eve Warren, Alan Howe, Martin
Cambell & Michael Laydon (Sunderland)

Runners up: David & Linda Williams,
Sarah & Laurence Puller (Cambridgeshire)

Semi finalists: Jenny & Norman Parnell,
Norman & Kathy Shepherd (Norfolk)

Semi finalists: Marion Snowdon, Marjorie
Smith, Nigel Mason & Pauline Charleton
(South Tyneside) |
Each of these players received a trophy
from the ECBA and gift vouchers from Potters Leisure Resort.
This was a wonderful display of bowling
by the players from Sunderland and a very notable achievement
to win all of the competitions, a feat which was also achieved
by Suffolk players in the first year that this event was held.
The trophies were presented by Dirk Vettewinkel (ECBA Secretary)
& Margaret Southgate (ECBA Treasurer) the announcements were
made by Graham Adam from the Potters entertainments team.
Report by:
Tony Cuthbert
ECBA Chairman
A list of the event's previous winners
can be found here.
updated 21/05/11