Eastern Counties Carpet Bowls Association

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Minutes of a Committee Meeting held at the New Astley Club, Newmarket, on Thursday 14th March 2013 at 8.00pm

Present: Officers: M. Walker - Chairman M. Giddens - Secretary & Treasurer
County Representatives: G. Savage (Beds), B. Giddens (Cambs), M.Cook (Herts), G. Sutton (Norfolk) and N. Jolly (Suffolk)

1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from M. Bushe - Essex and R Hearn - Hertfordshire.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Committee Meeting held on the 18th October 2012 were confirmed.

3. Matters Arising

Ref Item 7 ii relating to the hire cost at Braintree. An email had recently been received to confirm a 10% discount for the 2014 booking.

4. Chairman's Report

The Chairman had nothing specific to report relating to the Eastern Counties but commented on the following items from the English CBA committee meeting.

The Chairman Tony Cuthbert will be standing down at the AGM. With the Festival of Bowls held at Potters at this moment in time it is unknown of his input with the running of this event.

After 2013 the National Champion of Champions will no longer be held at the Norbreck in Blackpool. A venue for 2014 is to be arranged.

5. Secretary & Treasurers Report

The account stands at:
Business Saver Account £4,160.76 Community Account £1,107.18 and Cash £85.32 totalling £5,353.26

With the year end at the end of April, apart for the Six Counties Championships, the main expense will be for the cost of hall hires following the league matches. These costs to be advised as soon as possible but by the end of April so they fall within the same financial year.

6. League & Tournament Secretary's Report

No report had been forwarded by the League & Tournament Secretary.

The programmes for the Six Counties Championships and the Champion of Champions have been produced and uploaded on the website.

7. Review of Rules in preparation for the AGM

i. The rules regarding postponement of league matches were discussed. This was raised following the match between Norfolk and Cambridgeshire being rescheduled after the last set of games.

After discussion it was left that should a match need to be rearranged, every effort should be made for the match to be played before the last set of matches are played.

ii. Registration

Clarity was needed regarding players taking part in the county disciplines and taking part in county team events.

Under the Registration section it was suggested to add:
Once played in a closed competition or county team match for a county, that is the county you have chosen to represent for that season, and is the only county you can play in either closed competitions or county team events during that season.

This will be put forward at the AGM.

8. Any Other Business

Norfolk suggested that raffle tickets are sold at £1 per strip instead of currently 50p per strip. With no other county supporting this it was left for each county to decide on the price they sell the raffle tickets.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00 pm.

Minutes of a Committee Meeting held at the New Astley Club, Newmarket, on Thursday 18th October 2012 at 8.00pm

Present: Officers: M. Walker - Chairman M. Giddens - Secretary & Treasurer
County Representatives: G. Savage (Beds), B. Giddens (Cambs) G. Sutton (Norfolk) and N. Jolly (Suffolk)

Firstly the Chairman welcomed Neil Jolly to the meeting, who is now the representative for Suffolk.

1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Essex, Hertfordshire and the Tournament &
League Secretary - P. Daniels.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Committee Meeting held on the 8th March 2012 were confirmed.

3. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the previous committee meeting but an item raised at the AGM was discussed regarding the number of wood played in the Pairs at the Champion of Champions. The present format is 3 woods each and the suggestion was to change to 2 woods each over the 9 ends to be consistent with the format of play at the English Champion of Champions. This was agreed by all counties present.

It was further clarified that the Pairs in the Teambowl which is played over 7 ends will remain at 3 woods each.

4. Chairman's Report

The Chairman had nothing to report as the items he wished to discuss would be covered under the Tournament & League Secretary’s agenda item.

5. Secretary & Treasurers Report

The Contact List will be updated and issued with these minutes.

On the accounts, the balances stand at:

Business Saver Account £4,160.32 Community Account £387.18 and Cash £100.32 totalling £4,647.82

It was noted that apart from two counties the league fees payable in advance had been received. Reminders had been sent to advise these are payable by 31st October.

6.League & Tournament Secretary's Report

As the League & Tournament Secretary was unable to attend the meeting, a report was forwarded as follows:


I would prefer to see the correct score recorded in the final results regardless of any errors on the scoresheets. Needless to say the skips should take responsibility for ensuring that they are signing for the correct score. Even though changing the score takes just a moment, before we get to that point any amendment needs to be agreed by both sides and the later in the day that happens, the more problematic it becomes and we need to do whatever we can to avoid any possible disputes.

I have to say that Maureen advised me to add the team names to the bottom of the scoresheet, but I forgot to do so and that in itself might well have averted the problems. I have already amended the scoresheets for next year's event.

It might be worth considering a change to the rules which would see the first named team playing black and the second brown, which would also save the captains some time.

If the rule stays as it is then something similar to a ballot box might be considered. Once the scoresheet is dropped into the box it becomes final. This might avoid the possibility of a result being commented upon and discussed before it is recorded, thus removing any dispute about the point at which the result is set in stone.

On a final note I am pleased to say that there were no problems with any of the scores at the National Championships. If there were any problems with scorecards they were sorted out between the teams involved before they were handed in, which is exactly as it should be.

Items discussed at the meeting:

There were some spoilt scorecards at the Teambowl which affected the recorded results. The reason for introducing that signed scoresheets results stood once handed in, was due to the results being handwritten. It was also noted that it is the responsibility of the skips to check the scorecard is correct before signing.

The Chairman put forward that results if incorrectly recorded on the scoresheet they could be corrected even after signed and handed in, this being the same as that of the English CBA. Although Hertfordshire was not at the meeting, they were aware this item was to be discussed and felt that this is a ruling and any change would need to be taken to the AGM. The Chairman advised this was an administration matter and could be decided at the committee meeting.

The procedure on how to rectify this and at which stage the cut off point would be, this was discussed and also queried if it happened in the last session. As the results are now entered by computer it is easy enough to correct a score prior to the final results being printed.

It was agreed by all present to allow scores to be corrected at any stage. Where an error has been picked up it will be for the team captains involved to go to the desk and confirm any correction. The team captains will also have the opportunity to double check the final results before they are announced.

6.League & Tournament Secretary's Report

The suggestion for the first named team to play with black woods was discussed and felt it would assist with both keeping the correct score and avoid the initial finding the opposing captain to toss to decide colours. It was agreed by all counties present to change to this but to remain choosing colours at league matches.

Bedfordshire felt strongly that the team should keep their own score and not hand out the scorecard for someone else to record on their behalf.

7. Any Other Business

i. Norfolk congratulated Cambridgeshire for winning the Teambowl and thanked those who helped, especially to Paul for doing the scoring and to Dean for transporting the mats.

A point also raised was the amount of rubbish left behind. It was suggested that more rubbish bins are needed at Littleport although it is no excuse for people not to clear away their own rubbish.

ii. The cost of hiring Braintree for the Six Counties Championships had previously been raised. It was advised that negotiations are still ongoing for a reduction in the cost. With new management at the centre who have indicated they want prestigious events, it is hoped a discounted rate will be given. It was noted that we would prefer to remain at Braintree and in the meantime no alternative venue will be sought.

iii. The venues for home league matches were advised as:

Bedfordshire Barton le Clay
Cambridgeshire Milton
Essex Braintree
Hertfordshire Ware
Norfolk Wortwell
Suffolk Bildeston

8. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be a Committee Meeting to be held on Thursday 14th March 2013.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50 pm.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the New Astley Club, Newmarket, on Thursday 21st June 2012 at 8.00pm

Present: Officers: M. Walker, T. Tumber, M. Giddens, P. Daniels
County Representatives: B. Giddens (Cambs), M. Bushe (Essex), R. Hearn (Herts), G. Sutton (Norfolk) and P. Jones (Suffolk)
Also attended by 3 members of the associated counties

1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Mr G. Savage (Bedfordshire)

2. Minutes from Previous Annual General Meeting

The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 30th June 2011 were agreed as a true record and signed.

3. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

4. Chairman's Report

The Chairman, Mike Walker, reported that it had been another good year in which there were no issues regarding scorecards, or anything else. It was particularly pleasing to find results 'posted' on the website so promptly.

The Chairman wished to record his thanks to all committee members for their commitment, support and regular attendance, despite the travelling involved and especially the Secretary Trevor Tumber, who, having been press-ganged into the post for one year had now served for three and was now standing down.

5. Secretary's Report

The Secretary had nothing to report.

6. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer, Maureen Giddens, presented an Audited Statement of Account for the year ending 30th April 2012.

Business Saver Account £2,759.50, Community Account £300.00 and Cash £89.00being a total of £3,148.50

In comparison to last year, there was a loss of £228.79.

From the analysis of events, the following were highlighted.

The league costs were covered, this normally breaks-even. The cost of trophies was slightly higher due to the fact that these were purchased in boxes of 6, leaving 5 held in stock.

The Champion of Champions saw a loss of £79.48 but the event held in 2012 which will show in next year’s accounts, there will be a profit of around £50.00

With the Six Counties Championships there was a small loss of £17.60. The cost of hall hire at Braintree is now quite expensive due to the amount increased annually.

In response to the costs at the Braintree Leisure Centre, the Essex representative advised the costs are something Essex are looking into, as a change of organisation running the leisure centre when the present contract runs out may see a small reduction for next year instead of an increase, but this is not confirmed.

The Chairman recorded his thanks to the Auditor, Mr W B Wilson.

7. League Secretary's Report

The League Secretary, Paul Daniels, reported that all results were being sent through promptly, making his task easier, and congratulated Suffolk on winning the Eastern League.

8. Review of Tournaments

Maureen Giddens remarked that all the tournaments have gone well.

Regarding the Champion of Champions, Maureen queried the Pairs being as a 3 wood competition when the English play 2 woods each and questioned if we should look to change to be the same as the English. After discussion it was agreed this is a format of play and not a rule change, and for each county to discuss this item and decide at the next committee meeting whether to stay the same or change to 2 woods in the Pairs.

8.1. Review of the Substitutes Rule

The proposed amendment to the rules regarding the use of substitutes (as circulated) was discussed and unanimously agreed.

The amendment to read: Once a player has been substituted they would not be allowed to take any further part in the match.

8.2. ECBA Rules Exclusions

The Chairman presented a report regarding the amendment of the rules agreed at the English AGM.

It was noted that Rule 1.4 – the 'delivery box' was not accepted for amendment, considered by the Chairman that perhaps further clarification of this amendment at the meeting would have been helpful.

It was noted that all mats will need the box marked on them when used for the Eastern Counties events, although the ECCBA do not consider it to be policeable.

8.3. Competition Venues

The Chairman checked on the views of the committee regarding the venues used for the events.

The Champion of Champions is rotated around each county and with finding a venue to hold the 6 mats needed, this is not a problem. The Teambowl is held at Littleport and this remains ok. The Six Counties at Braintree was the only venue to be looked at due only to the cost. After discussing alternatives the Drill Hall at Ware was considered to be a good alternative due to its location and being less expensive.

Hertfordshire will enquire on the availability of the Drill Hall and also Cambridgeshire to enquiry on alternative venues within their county. This to be further discussed at the next committee meeting but to bear in mind that Braintree has been booked in advance.

9. Election of Officers

With the present Secretary standing down, nominations were sought for this position. As no prior nominations were received, the present Officers agreed to take on changes to their present roles and in view of this the Chairman agreed to continue.

The Officers were duly proposed and elected en-bloc as follows:-

Chairman Mike Walker
Secretary Maureen Giddens
Treasurer Maureen Giddens
Tournament Secretary Paul Daniels
League Secretary Paul Daniels
Auditor Billy Wilson

10. Fees

Taking into the consideration the predicted income/expenditure during this next year, the Treasurer recommended to increase the annual subscription by £10.00 to £60.00.

The annual subscription is due within 28 days of the AGM.

The other fees to remain the same at £3.00 per player (The league fees £360.00 in total per county are payable in advance and due prior to the start of the league).

This was agreed.

11. Any Other Business

i. Following a query regarding the level of insurance cover, the type of cover the Association is insured for was clarified in that the Association is covered for Directors & Officers Liability and Public Liability. As the equipment we use is not our property but on loan for the events, our insurance does not cover for Product Insurance.

ii. Gerald Sutton queried the availability of mats at Littleport in preparation for the Teambowl they will be hosting. Maureen replied that although there are eight mats at Littleport, Cambridgeshire will liaise with Gerald regarding the 12 mats needed
but pointed out that although they were 'not good' they were the same for all players.

iii. The Chairman queried the ease of booking Littleport as Bedfordshire now have no 'large' venue available. Maureen replied that normally there is no problem in making a booking within the area of Littleport.

12. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be a Committee Meeting and this was arranged for Thursday 18th October 2012.

At the same time the meetings for 2013 were arranged as follows:

Committee Meeting – Thursday 14th March 2013
Annual General Meeting – Thursday 20th June 2013

All to be held at the New Astley Club, Newmarket at 8.00pm

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm.

(Provisonal) Minutes of the meeting held at the New Astley Club, Newmarket on Thursday 8th March 2012

1. Apologies

Barry Giddens, Paul Daniels, George Savage.

2. Minutes from Previous Meeting

The minutes from the previous meeting were amended - the Sec's reference to ECBA 'rule 1.3' should have read 'rule 1.4' - then agreed and signed.

3. Matters Arising

The costs associated with training of referees was clarified. 'English' referees will be trained by ECBA, up to 6 per county. 'County' referees' training costs will be met by their county.

4. Chairman's Report

The Chairman (MW) congratulated Essex on having their programme of fixtures up on their new website and commented that it was disappointing that Cambridgeshire and Suffolk have yet to follow suit. It was agreed that these counties would address the matter.
The Chairman then reminded counties that ECBA are conducting a review of the rules and added that having completed three years in the post he would not be standing for re-election at the AGM.

5. Secretary's Report

The Secretary had nothing to report other than he would not be standing for re-election at the AGM. It was noted that should there be no nominations for the vacancies the committee would have to resort to the 'names-in-a-hat' process again!

6. Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer (MG) reported that the current balances are:
£5,038.88 (£3,037.86) Business Saver Account; £212.97 (£1,492.97) Community Account; £115.05 (£137.05) Cash, giving a total balance of £5,366.90(£4,667.88). Figs. in ( ) are previous amounts.

Forthcoming expenses will be the costs relating to League matches.
Please Note: As the year end is 30th April, all counties must submit their charges before that date for all related expenses to be accounted in the current financial year.

** The Treasurer commented that it would be particularly helpful if they could be submitted by the middle of April so that they can be paid out at the Six Counties Championships on 15th April. **

7. League Secretary's Report

There was no report as the League Secretary (PD) was not present but the Chairman commented that results are appearing very promptly on the website thanks to Paul's efforts.

8. Review of Tournaments

Forthcoming: Six Counties Championships on 15th April - hosted by Suffolk. MG has prepared the programmes and they are ready for issue.
PJ checked that MG had booked the venue and clarified details regarding raffle prizes and re-imbursement of costs by ECCBA.
During a discussion re supply of mats - there will be 8 from Essex and 4 from Suffolk, it was noted that ECCBA will pay costs of van hire for moving mats.
MG confirmed that she would supply scorecards and trophies.

9. Any Other Business

PJ queried the proposed Delivery Box rule change - Bedfordshire propose the striking of rule 1.4 - the line limiting the length of a delivery as this is considered to be unworkable.
The Chairman again reminded all counties that rule change proposals should be submitted to the ECBA Secretary.

A discussion regarding the ECCBA 'Substitutes' rule and whether a substitute is 'permanent' or 'temporary' decided that to avoid confusion the matter be subject to a decision at the AGM. (Sec to add to the agenda.)

10. Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be the AGM on 21st June at the New Astley Club, Newmarket.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.27pm.

(Provisional) Minutes of the meeting held at the New Astley Club, Newmarket on Thursday 13th October 2011

1. Apologies

Paul Daniels, George Savage.

2. Minutes from Previous Meeting

The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed and signed.

3. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes.

4. Chairman's Report

The Chairman commented that the season had begun well and gave a report of the ECBA Referee Proposals:-
· David Storey and Mick Watkins will be National Trainers for Northern and Eastern counties respectively.
· A maximum of 6 'English Referees' to be appointed in each county by the National Trainer - in consultation with the relevant county trainer referee.
· If appointees have no recent referee qualification a refresher course would be mandatory.
· English referees required to commit to officiating at major events.
· Existing referees not appointed to 'English' status would be designated 'County Referees' to officiate only within their own county.
· Counties able to appoint new County Referees, subject to their badges and certificates being different to those for the English.
· Counties would be responsible for costs incurred in training County Referees.

Also, ECBA are considering amendments to the current issue of the Rules. Suggestions are welcome from counties.
It was noted that ECCBA counties, in general, do not use the Delivery Box rule and will recommend that this rule be struck. (Rule 1.3 in the version on the ECBA web site - Sec.)

5. Secretary's Report

The Secretary had nothing to report.

6. Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer (MG) reported that the current balances are:
£3,037.86 (£4,637.02) Business Saver Account; £1,492.97 (£478.78) Community Account; £137.05 (£73.33) Cash, giving a total balance of £4,667.88 (£5,189.13). Figs. in ( ) are previous amounts.

The majority of League fees have been received but Essex and Cambridgeshire have still to pay.

7. League Secretary's Report

As the League Secretary (PD) was not present the Chairman reported that each county's Team captain has been sent then full season's programme and all results will be emailed to Paul - or 'phoned - as appropriate.

8. Review of Tournaments

The Teambowl in September had been very successful and Magpas have been very appreciative of the donation.

9. Any Other Business

The Chairman asked that counties put their tournaments and/or trials on the ECCBA page by passing their details to Paul, p_daniels@yahoo.com or to Mick Watkins, mjwportmac@hotmail.com .

Cambridgeshire and Suffolk wish to keep 9 ends for the Six Counties Championships and the Chairman noted that the general feeling is to keep to '9 ends and substitutes as per the current rules'.

10. Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on 8th March 2012 at 8.00pm in the New Astley Club, Newmarket.

Provisional date for the AGM is 21st June 2012.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.59 pm.


Item 7 refers: Since the meeting it has come to light that the League sheets had been inadvertently sent to Bedfordshire's County Captain, George Savage, who will now distribute them during the Nationals at Potters 11th - 14th November.

Minutes of the AGM held at the New Astley Club, Newmarket on Thursday 29th June 2011

1. Apologies

Mr M Bushe

2. Minutes from Previous Meeting

The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed and signed.

3. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

4. Chairman's Report

The Chairman, Mike Walker, reported that it had been a successful year again in which there were only minor happenings mostly related to scoring. The revised arrangements regarding score cards had helped and was to be hoped that Team Captains will exercise control of their players in future.

With regard to the ECCBA/ECBA relationship there is still no satisfactory response from Tony Cuthbert, ECBA Chair.

The 'referee' issue however is moving. Mick Watkins will be the Referee Trainer for the Southern Counties whilst David Storey takes on the Northern Counties. The plan is to train up to 4 referees in each county, 2 of these will then act as trainers within that county. The timescale is 6 - 8 weeks.

5. Secretary's Report

The Secretary had nothing to report.

6. Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer presented an audited Statement of Account for the year ending 30th April 2011. The Business Saver Account £3,037.02: Community Account £254.89: Cash £85.38 being a total of £3,377.29 (cf: 2010 £3,188.27)

7. League Secretary's Report

Rob reported that he year had run reasonably smoothly and the final standings in the ECCBA League were:-
1st Suffolk 125 pts; 2nd Cambs. 117 pts; 3rd Essex 115 pts; 4th Norfolk 67 pts; 5th Herts. 61 pts; 6th Beds. 54 pts.
Having made his last report as League Secretary the Chairman thanked Rob for his 15 years in the post during which his efforts had been much appreciated.

8. Review of Tournaments

Maureen commented that there had been no further problems with score cards and suggested that it would be beneficial to not draw a Raffle until the last game has been completed - in the period of the final scores being calculated. This would perhaps encourage folk to stay to the end!
Maureen then presented programmes up to, and including, 2018/19 season.

Venues for the host counties:
Cambs: Paston; Beds.: Barton-le-Cley; Norfolk: Wortwell;
Essex: Braintree; Suffolk: Bildeston; Herts: t.b.a.

9. Election of Officers

The officers were duly proposed and seconded as follows:-
Chairman - Mike Walker
Secretary - Trevor Tumber
Treasurer - Maureen Giddens
Competition Secretary - Maureen Giddens
League Secretary - Paul Daniels - proposed by the Chairman
Auditor - Billy Wilson

10. Fees

It was agreed that no increase would be applied at this time.
COUNTIES PLEASE NOTE: Fees to be paid by 31st October.

11. Any Other Business

a) The Chairman queried (with reference to the 6 Counties) whether 9 ends makes for too long a game for some of our players. After some discussion it was agreed that the matter should be discussed at individual county level for a review at the October committee meeting.

b) The ECCBA Rules: It was agreed that the rule relating to League Match Results Sheets should have the words .... 'or post.' deleted - ie. results should be sent via email to the League Secretary.

12. Date of Next Meeting

A regular meeting on 13th October 2011, New Astley Club, Newmarket at 8.00pm

Provisional Dates: 8th March 2012, AGM 21st June 2012

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm.